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The Memorix team is made up of hundreds of anatomists, histologists, clinicians, students, graphic designers, typesetters and developers. Here is the closest team. 
Contact: Our Team
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MUDr. Radovan Hudák

CEO, author of Memorix books
and Memorix and Anatomyka apps

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prof. MUDr. David Kachlík, Ph.D.

Author and guarantor
of books and apps


MUDr. Jan Balko

Author of Memorix Histology,

chief graphic designer of Memorix books


MUDr. René Novysedlák

Project manager,

author of QUIZ apps


MUDr. Ester Bartl

Project manager,

author of QUIZ apps

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Mgr. Peter Lečko

CEO and author of Anatomyka app

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doc. MUDr. Ondřej Volný, Ph.D.

Author of Memorix Anatomy


prof. MUDr. et Mgr. Zbyněk Tonar, Ph.D.

Author of Memorix Histology


prof. RNDr. Ivan Varga, PhD. et PhD.

Author of Memorix Histology

If you have a problem with buying an e-book and you haven't found the answer in the FAQ, please contact us. You can also contact us if you have any other questions.


Chcesz przeczytać Anatomię Memorix czy Historię Memorix w swoim języku? Czy znasz wydawcę, anatomistę lub histologa, który pomógłby nam w tłumaczeniu? Będziemy szczęśliwi, jeśli poinformujesz o tym naszego dyrektora generalnego.​

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